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PVS have much experience in certain key areas of validation. In these areas, we have produced a set of fact sheets which explore qualification of the area in more detail and provide assistance, advice and answers to topics where one can often only find limited information on general search. For instance, a question which is endlessly raised during thermal mapping execution is how many loggers are sufficient to cover the area under qualification. We provide logical answers to these type of decisions which are often ambiguous when looking through published guidelines. 


The information within our fact sheets is the result of many years of experience compiled and condensed into simple but valuable advice. Some examples of our fact sheets include:


  • Introduction to Qualification and Validation Lifecycle.

  • Creation of Good Validation Documentation.

  • Qualification of Controlled Storage Environments (eg Stand Alone Incubators, Freezers and Cold Rooms).

  • Qualification of Shipping Systems (Cold Chain). 

  • Qualification of Utility Systems (WFI, Clean Steam, Process Gases).


To see our Fact Sheets - please visit the page here.

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