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PVS can enhance your business concern by providing training based on many years of knowledge and experience. We can assist clients as well as agencies and other businesses in tailoring training to your specific requirements. Training can be performed at the client site or via distance.


Training we provide would be accompanied with course notes and visual aids and can be requested from 1to1 sessions through to more delegates. We believe in using real life and case study examples to illustrate the sessions and we can draw from many years of validation experience to demonstrate this.


We also offer recruitment agencies and small businesses the chance to learn more about validation by request of short ‘Introduction to Validation’ training sessions.


At PVS, we aim to provide clients with their training requirements in a friendly and informative environment.


The following is just a few areas where we can assist in validation training and knowledge:


  • Qualification of Equipment and Processes: Controlled Storage Environments, temperature controlled distribution, utilities, process and packaging equipment and laboratory equipment.

  • Documentation Training: Validation full lifecycle protocols and reports, validation plans, specifications, assessments and gap analysis.

  • Qualification and Project Management Skills: managing a validation project, organising a validation database and archiving solutions.


NOTE: We are currently offering competitive rates for online live training modules via Microsoft Zoom or Teams. More information here

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